ве́чно has 68 translations in 18 languages

translations of ве́чно

RU EN English 3 translations
RU ES Spanish 5 translations
  • sin cesar (adv n) [''(colloquially)'' constantly or frequently]
  • constantemente (adv n) [''(colloquially)'' constantly or frequently]
  • siempre (adv) [at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
  • eternamente (adv) [forever]
  • para siempre (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
RU FR French 4 translations
  • éternellement (adv) [forever]
  • à jamais (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • pour toujours (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • toujours (adv) [at all times, for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
RU PT Portuguese 4 translations
  • constantemente (adv) [constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
  • para sempre (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • eternamente (adv) [forever]
  • sempre (adv) [at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
RU IT Italian 3 translations
  • sempre (adv) [at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
  • eternamente (adv) [forever]
  • per sempre (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
RU DE German 9 translations
  • auf (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • andauernd (adv n) [''(colloquially)'' constantly or frequently]
  • ewig (adv n) [''(colloquially)'' constantly or frequently, for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time, forever]
  • ständig (adv n) [''(colloquially)'' constantly or frequently]
  • immer (adv) [at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
  • stets (adv) [at all times]
  • unaufhörlich (adv n) [''(colloquially)'' constantly or frequently, for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • für immer (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • für eger (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
RU NL Dutch 4 translations
  • eeuwig (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • altijd (adv n) [''(colloquially)'' constantly or frequently, at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals, for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • steeds (adv) [constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
  • steed (adv n) [''(colloquially)'' constantly or frequently] (adv n)
RU SV Swedish 2 translations
  • alltid (adv) [at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
  • för alltid (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
RU CS Czech 4 translations
  • vždy (adv) [at all times]
  • navždy (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • pořád (adv) [constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
  • na věky (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time] (adv n)
RU PL Polish 4 translations
  • zawsze (adv) [at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
  • wiecznie (adv) [forever]
  • na zawsze (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • cały czas (adv n) [''(colloquially)'' constantly or frequently] (adv n)
RU DA Danish 2 translations
  • altid (adv) [at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
  • for altid (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time] (adv n)
RU BG Bulgarian 2 translations
  • ви́наги (adv) [at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals] (adv)
  • завинаги (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time] (adv n)
RU HU Hungarian 5 translations
  • mindig (adv) [at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
  • örökre (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • örökké (adv n) [''(colloquially)'' constantly or frequently, for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • mindörökké (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • állandóan (adv) [constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
RU AF Afrikaans 1 translation
RU SL Slovenian 3 translations
  • védno (adv) [at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals] (adv)
  • zméraj (adv) [at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals] (adv)
  • vsákič (adv) [constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals] (adv)
RU HI Hindi 5 translations
RU JA Japanese 5 translations
  • いつも (adv) [at all times, constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals] (itsu-mo)
  • ずっと (adv) [constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals] (zutto)
  • 常に (adv) [constantly during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals]
  • 永久に (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time] (adv n)
  • 永遠に (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time] (adv n)
RU VI Vietnamese 3 translations
  • mãi mãi (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • vĩnh viễn (adv n) [for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time]
  • luôn luôn (adv) [at all times]