Search term sole has 20 results
EN English DE German
sole (a) [exclusive] alleinig (a) [exclusive]
sole (a) [general] alleinig (a) [general]
sole (a) einzig (a)
sole (a) [general] einzig (a) [general]
sole (v) [shoes] besohlen (v) [shoes]
EN English DE German
sole (a) [number] einzeln (a) [number]
sole (a) [exclusive] exklusiv (a) [exclusive]
sole (n) [anatomy] Fußsohle (n) {f} [anatomy]
sole (n) Seezunge (n) {f}
sole (n) [ichthyology] Seezunge (n) {f} [ichthyology]
sole (n v adj) [bottom of a shoe or boot] Sohle (n v adj) {f} [bottom of a shoe or boot]
sole (n) [shoes] Sohle (n) {f} [shoes]
sole Boden {m}
sole Fußboden {m}
sole Zunge {f}
sole Schuhsohle (f)
EN Synonyms for sole DE Translations
single [property] singel (u)
lone [property] (formal ensamt
solitary [property] enslig
separate [property] separat
only [property] blott
particular [property] särskild
one [property] ett
individual [only] personlig
singular [only] enstaka
unaccompanied [only] oackompanjerad
alone [only] allena
depths [position] djup {n}
base [position] bas (u)
underneath [position] på undersidan av
foot [position] stativ {n}
nadir [position] bottenläge
underside [position] undersida (u)
bottom [position] bak (u (informal))
scant [attribution] snåla på
meagre [attribution] torftig
DE German EN English
Sole (n) [kulinarisch] {f} brine (n) [kulinarisch]
Sole (n v) [salt water] {f} brine (n v) [salt water]
Sole (n) [kulinarisch] {f} pickle (n) [kulinarisch]
Sole {f} salt brine

German English translations

DE Synonyms for sole EN Translations
Lake [Lauge] f brine
Salzlösung [Lauge] f saline solution
Salzlake [Lauge] f pickle
Salzbrühe [Lauge] pickle
Lauge [Sole] f lyem causting solution