EN English dictionary: unwillingly
unwillingly has 26 translations in 11 languages
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translations of unwillingly
EN FR French 2 translations
- à contrecœur (o) [concession]
- de mauvaise grâce (o) [concession]
EN IT Italian 5 translations
- di malavoglia (adv) [in an unwilling manner]
- a malincuore (o) [concession]
- malvolentieri (o) [concession, in an unwilling manner]
- svogliatamente (adv) [in an unwilling manner]
- senza alcun interesse (adv) [in an unwilling manner] (adv)
EN PT Portuguese 2 translations
- de má vontade (o) [concession]
- a contra gosto (o) [concession]
EN DE German 5 translations
- unwillig (adv) [in an unwilling manner]
- widerstrebend
- widerwillig (o) [concession, in an unwilling manner]
- ungern
- zögernd
EN SV Swedish 3 translations
- motsträvigt (o) [concession]
- ovilligt (o) [concession]
- ogärna
Words before and after unwillingly
- unwieldily
- unwieldiness
- unwieldy
- unwieldy mass
- unwiling
- unwill
- unwilled
- unwilling
- unwilling fellow
- unwilling to pay
- unwillingly
- unwillingness
- unwillingness to pay
- unwillingnessg fellow
- unwillinguarters
- unwind
- unwind a ball of wool
- unwind a rope from a spool
- unwind one's scarf
- unwind oneself from
- unwind reel