EN English dictionary: Order
Order has 266 translations in 17 languages
translations of Order
EN ES Spanish 27 translations
- limpiar (v) [cleaning]
- mandar (v) [enjoin, military]
- clasificar (v) [classification]
- mandato (n) [command] {m}
- pedir (v) [trade]
- disponer (v) [classification]
- disposición (n) [disposal] {f}
- orden [command, disposal, goods, mathematics, military, state] {m}
- arreglo (n) [disposal] {m}
- encargar (v) [trade]
- arreglar (v) [cleaning, classification]
- organizar (v) [classification]
- imponer (v) [enjoin]
- ordenar (v) [classification, enjoin, military]
- poner en orden (v) [cleaning]
- asear (v) [cleaning]
- pedido (n) [goods] {m}
- instrucción (n) [military] {f}
- mandamiento (n) [command] {m}
- precepto (n) [command] {m}
- encadenamiento {m}
- diligencia {f}
- componer
- gobernar
- serie {f}
- Orden (biología)
- encadenación
EN FR French 18 translations
- mandat (n) [command] {m}
- commande (n) [goods] {f}
- arranger (v) [classification]
- disposition (n) [disposal] {f}
- arrangement (n) [disposal] {m}
- ordre [command, disposal, mathematics, military, state] {m}
- classer (v) [classification]
- enjoindre (v) [enjoin]
- ordonner (v) [enjoin, military]
- commander (v) [enjoin, trade]
- ranger (v) [classification, cleaning]
- mettre de l'ordre dans (v) [cleaning]
- faire (v) [cleaning]
- classifier (v) [classification]
- mettre en ordre (v) [classification]
- commandement (n) [command] {m}
- ordonnance (n) [command] {f}
- Ordre (biologie)
EN IT Italian 24 translations
- sistemare (v) [classification]
- disporre (v) [classification]
- ordinare (v) [classification, enjoin, military, trade]
- disposizione (n) [disposal] {f}
- sistemazione (n) [disposal] {f}
- ordinamento (n) [disposal] {m}
- organizzare (v) [classification]
- ingiungere (v) [enjoin]
- comandare (v) [enjoin, military]
- incarico {m}
- mettere in ordine (v) [cleaning]
- riordinare (v) [cleaning]
- rassettare (v) [cleaning]
- classificare (v) [classification]
- ordinazione (n) [goods] {f}
- ordine (n) [command, goods, mathematics, military, state] {m}
- istruzione (n) [military] {f}
- provvedimento {m}
- comando (n) [command] {m}
- mandato (n) [command] {m}
- lavorazione {f}
- dominare
- Ordine (tassonomia)
- comméttere
EN PT Portuguese 23 translations
- limpar (v) [cleaning]
- classificar (v) [classification]
- dispor (v) [classification]
- arrumar (v) [classification, cleaning]
- disposição (n) [disposal] {f}
- arranjo (n) [disposal] {m}
- ordem (n) [command, disposal, mathematics, military, state] {f}
- pedido (n) [goods] {m}
- organizar (v) [classification, cleaning]
- impor (v) [enjoin]
- ordenar (v) [classification, enjoin, military]
- pôr em ordem (v) [cleaning]
- sistematizar (v) [classification]
- encomenda (n) [goods] {f}
- instrução (n) [military] {f}
- comando (n) [command] {m}
- comandar (v) [military]
- encomendar (v) [trade]
- seqüência (n) [mathematics] {f}
- normas jurídicas
- Ordem (biologia)
- classeicar
- ordemr
EN DE German 47 translations
- Größenordnung
- aufräumen (v) [cleaning]
- stellen (v) [classification]
- Folge {f}
- Entscheidung {f}
- Anordnung (n) [disposal] {f}
- Aufstellung (n) [disposal] {f}
- Einteilung (n) [disposal] {f}
- Ordnung (n) [disposal, state] {f}
- Bestellung (n) [goods] {f}
- Auftrag [goods] {m}
- aufstellen (v) [classification]
- Zustand {m}
- Kommando {n}
- befehlen (v) [military]
- gebieten (v) [enjoin]
- einordnen (v) [classification]
- einstufen (v) [classification]
- einteilen (v) [classification]
- ordnen (v) [cleaning, classification]
- Befehl (n) [command, military] {m}
- bestellen (v) [trade]
- Forderung (n) [command] {f}
- Gebot (n) [command] {n}
- Order (n) [command] {f}
- Reihenfolge (n) [mathematics] {f}
- Vorschrift (n) [command] {f}
- Zeitfolge
- auferlegen (v) [enjoin]
- Grad {m}
- Anweisung (f)
- Stand {m}
- Wertigkeit
- verfügen (v)
- Verordnung (v) {f}
- Orden (n) {m}
- Verfügung {f}
- Abfolge (n) (f)
- Sortierung
- Eingabeinformation
- reihen
- bannen (v)
- ordern
- Ordo (n) {f}
- Rangstufe
- Projektauftrag
- Anschaffe
EN NL Dutch 25 translations
- schikking (n) [disposal] {f}
- aanvoeren
- schikken (v) [classification]
- ordenen (v) [classification]
- rangschikken (v) [classification]
- plaatsing (n) [disposal] {f}
- ordening (n) [disposal] {f}
- rangschikking (n) [disposal] {f}
- opleggen (v) [enjoin] {n}
- bevelen (v) [enjoin, military]
- opruimen (v) [cleaning]
- in orde brengen (v) [cleaning]
- classificeren (v) [classification]
- klasseren (v) [classification]
- bestelling (n) [goods] {f}
- leveringsopdracht (n) [goods] {m}
- bevel (n) [command] {n}
- order (n) [command, military] (m/f/n)
- instructie (n) [military] {f}
- gebod (n) [command] {n}
- bestellen (v) [trade]
- commanderen
- orde (n) [mathematics, state] {m}
- ordelijkheid (n) [state] {f}
- volgorde (n) [mathematics] {m}
EN SV Swedish 28 translations
- bud (n) [command] {n}
- ordna (v) [classification, cleaning]
- arrangera (v) [classification]
- ordnande (n) [disposal] {n}
- anordning (n) [disposal] (u)
- placering (n) [disposal] (u)
- arrangemang (n) [disposal] {n}
- order (n) [command, goods, military] (up)
- ålägga (v) [enjoin]
- organisera (v) [classification]
- anbefalla (v) [enjoin]
- snygga upp (v) [cleaning]
- städa (v) [cleaning]
- anordna (v) [classification]
- indela (v) [classification]
- ställa i ordning (v) [classification]
- beställning (n) [goods] (u)
- befallning (n) [command, military] (u)
- kommendera
- ge order (v) [military]
- befalla (v) [military]
- skick {n}
- beställa (v) [trade]
- ordning [mathematics, state] (u)
- ordentlighet (n) [state] (u)
- ordningsföljd (n) [mathematics] (u)
- orden
- Ordning (biologi)
EN CS Czech 32 translations
- stupeň
- systém {m}
- druh
- směrnice
- vyhláška
- Řád (biologie)
- přikázat
- nařídit
- příkaz {m}
- povel {m}
- seřadit
- skupina {f}
- řád {m}
- pravidlo {n}
- postup
- uspořádání
- uspořádat
- objednávat
- velet
- pořádek
- objednat
- pořadí
- posloupnost
- objednávka
- poručit
- poručit si
- Řád prvku
- nařízení
- rozkaz {m}
- rozkazovat
- zakázka
- rozkázat
EN PL Polish 13 translations
EN HU Hungarian 6 translations
EN SL Slovenian 5 translations
- odredba
- Red (biologija)
- Duhovniško posvečenje
- uredba
- ukaz
Words before and after Order
- ordainment
- ordains
- ordeal
- ordeal bean
- ordeal by battle
- ordeal by fire
- ordeal by water
- ordeal of fire
- ordeal tree
- ordeals by fire
- Order
- order (for goods)
- order Acarina
- order Accipitriformes
- order Actinaria
- order Actiniaria
- order Actinomycetales
- order Actinomyxidia
- order Aepyorniformes
- order Agaricales
- order Alcyonaria