EN English dictionary: Fruit
Fruit has 77 translations in 19 languages
translations of Fruit
EN FR French 3 translations
EN PT Portuguese 6 translations
EN DE German 13 translations
- Sprössling (n v) [figuratively: child of a marriage] {m}
- Früchte (n) [botany] {f}
- Frucht (n) [botany] {f}
- Obst (n) [Desserts, botany] {n}
- nichtsynchrone Empfangsstörung
- Schwule {m}
- Spross (n v) [figuratively: child of a marriage] {m}
- Schwuchtel {f}
- Schwuli
- Warmer
- warmer Bruder
- Warme
- Schwulibert
EN NL Dutch 4 translations
EN SV Swedish 5 translations
- avkomma (n v) [figuratively: child of a marriage] (u)
- frukt [botany, figuratively: child of a marriage] (u)
- livsfrukt (n v) [figuratively: child of a marriage]
- Frukt
- Lista över frukter
EN CS Czech 7 translations
EN BG Bulgarian 5 translations