EN English dictionary: form
form has 131 translations in 14 languages
translations of form
EN ES Spanish 11 translations
- modelar (v) [Plasticine]
- formar (v) [Plasticine, constitute, general]
- constituir (v) [constitute]
- formarse (v) [develop]
- forma (n) [general, kind] {f}
- dar forma a (v) [objects]
- componer (v) [constitute]
- formulario (n) [document] {m}
- horma {f}
- configurar
- amoldar
EN FR French 7 translations
EN IT Italian 10 translations
- comporre (v) [constitute]
- formare (v) [Plasticine, constitute, general, objects]
- costituire (v) [constitute]
- formarsi (n v) [(intransitive) to take shape, develop]
- modellare (v) [Plasticine]
- forma (n) [general, kind] {f}
- plasmare
- foggiare (v) [objects]
- modulo (n) [document] {m}
- formulario (n) [document] {m}
EN PT Portuguese 13 translations
EN DE German 36 translations
- ausmachen (v) [constitute]
- zeichnen (v)
- erhalten
- Körper {m}
- Fassung {f}
- Mulde (f)
- formen (v) [Plasticine, constitute, objects]
- gestalten (v) [Plasticine, objects]
- umformen
- bilden (v) [general, constitute]
- Form (n) [general, kind] {f}
- Bildung {f}
- zusammenstellen (v) [constitute]
- Schein {m}
- Formular (n) [document] {n}
- Vordruck
- prägen (v)
- Verlauf {m}
- Bank {f}
- Grube {f}
- Gestalt {f}
- Formalität {f}
- Fragebogen {m}
- Maske {f}
- Schulbank {f}
- Wickelkörper
- sich bilden [develop]
- herausbilden
- Schulklasse {f}
- Formblatt
- Ausformung
- Schalung
- Klassenstufe
- Sasse
- Formular (Formblatt)
- bilden (sich)
EN NL Dutch 10 translations
- aangaan
- samenstellen (v) [constitute]
- vormen (v) [Plasticine, constitute, general, objects]
- vertegenwoordigen (v) [constitute]
- zich vormen (v) [develop]
- modelleren (v) [Plasticine]
- vorm (n) [general, kind] {m}
- vorm geven aan (v) [objects]
- formulier (n) [document] {n}
- formeren
EN SV Swedish 14 translations
- bilda (v) [general, constitute]
- grunda (v) [constitute]
- forma (v) [Plasticine, constitute, general, objects]
- forma sig (v) [develop]
- formas (v) [develop]
- utgöra (v) [constitute]
- form (n) [general, kind] (u)
- gestalta (v) [Plasticine]
- ge form (v) [objects]
- sammansätta (v) [constitute]
- formulär (n) [document] {n}
- gestalt (u)
- blankett
- dana
EN CS Czech 14 translations
EN PL Polish 6 translations
EN VI Vietnamese 2 translations
- hình thành (n v) [(intransitive) to take shape] (n v)
- thành hình (n v) [(intransitive) to take shape] (n v)
Words before and after form
- forkthing
- forktle
- forkty
- forky
- forlorn
- forlorn attempt
- forlorn hope
- forlorn of all hope
- forlornly
- forlornness
- form
- form a carpet of leaves
- form a coalition
- form a complete chain of evidence
- form a conclusion
- form a contrast
- form a cordon around the building
- form a deposit
- form a friendship
- form a group
- form a legal corporation