EN English dictionary: forlornly
forlornly has 15 translations in 6 languages
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translations of forlornly
EN ES Spanish 2 translations
- tristemente (adv) [in a forlorn manner]
- desgraciadamente (adv) [in a forlorn manner]
EN RU Russian 4 translations
Words before and after forlornly
- forktail blenny
- forktail blue-eye
- forkthing
- forktle
- forkty
- forky
- forlorn
- forlorn attempt
- forlorn hope
- forlorn of all hope
- forlornly
- forlornness
- form
- form a carpet of leaves
- form a coalition
- form a complete chain of evidence
- form a conclusion
- form a contrast
- form a cordon around the building
- form a deposit
- form a friendship