EN English dictionary: fastidious
fastidious has 41 translations in 13 languages
translations of fastidious
EN ES Spanish 2 translations
- exigente (a) [behavior, difficult to please]
- fastidioso (a) [behavior] {m}
EN FR French 2 translations
EN IT Italian 3 translations
- incontentabile (a) [behavior]
- esigente (a) [behavior]
- schizzinoso (a) [behavior]
EN PT Portuguese 5 translations
- pesado
- fastidioso (a) [behavior]
- exigente (a) [behavior, difficult to please]
- impertinente (a) [behavior]
- rabugento (a) [behavior] {m}
EN DE German 11 translations
- genau
- sorgfältig
- wählerisch (a) [behavior, difficult to please]
- anspruchsvoll (a) [behavior, difficult to please]
- pingelig [difficult to please]
- kleinlich (adj) [difficult to please]
- sorgsam
- mäkelig
- verwöhnt
- fastidiös (a)
- peinlich genau
EN NL Dutch 3 translations
- veeleisend (a) [behavior, difficult to please]
- kieskeurig (a) [behavior]
- moeilijk (a) [behavior]
EN SV Swedish 3 translations
EN JA Japanese 2 translations
Words before and after fastidious
- faster film
- faster than
- faster than a minnow can swim a dipper
- faster than a speeding bullet
- faster-than-light
- fastermost
- fastest
- fastest moving
- fastest-growing
- fasti
- fastidious
- fastidiously
- fastidiously clean
- fastidiousness
- fastigiate
- fastigium
- fasting
- fasting blood collection
- fasting blood sugar
- fasting cure
- fasting cures