Search term on has 10 results
EN English PT Portuguese
on (o) [preposition] no (o) [preposition]
on (o) [surface] no (o) [surface]
on (o) [preposition] sobre (o) [preposition]
on (o) [surface] sobre (o) [surface]
on em direção a
EN Synonyms for on PT Translations
ahead [direction] indertijd
forward [direction] aanvaller {m}
forth [direction] (literature voort
onward [direction] voortgaand
along [direction] langs
against [position] tegenaan
next to [position] vergeleken bij
beside [position] naast
bordering [position] aan de rand liggend
near [position] komend
advancing [movement] zich ontwikkelend
toward [movement] tot
away [departure] vandoor
hence [departure] vanhier
out [departure] uiterlijk {n}
outward [departure] eruit
out of sight [departure] uit het gezicht
from [departure] uit
by [part of speech] langs
throughout [part of speech] overal {m}