English Dutch
Phanocles Phanocles
phantasm hersenschim
phantasmagoria fantasmagorie
Phantasos Phantasos
phantom nachtmerrie
Phantom Blot Zwarte Schim
Phantom of the Opera Spook van de Opera
Phantom pain Fantoompijn
Phantom ship Ghost Ship
Phantom Thief Kid Magic Kaito
Phantom time hypothesis Fantoomtijd-theorie
Pharamond Pharamond
pharaoh farao
Pharaoh Hound Pharaohond
Phare Tower Tour Phare
Pharez Perez
Pharisee farizeeër
Pharmaceutic adjuvant Adjuvans
pharmaceutical geneesmiddel
pharmacist apotheker
Pharmacodynamics Farmacodynamiek
Pharmacokinetic Farmacokinetiek
pharmacologic farmacologisch
pharmacological farmacologisch
pharmacologist farmacoloog
pharmacology farmacologie
pharmacopoeia farmacopee
pharmacy apotheek
Pharmacy technician Apothekersassistent
Pharmakos Pharmacos
Pharnabazus Pharnabazus
Pharrell Williams Pharrell Williams
Pharsalia Pharsalia
pharyngitis faryngitis
pharynx farynx
Phascogale Penseelstaartbuidelmuizen
phase stadium
Phase contrast microscope Fasecontrastmicroscoop
Phase microscope Fasecontrastmicroscoop
phase out geleidelijk stopzetten
Phase-change memory PCRAM
Phase-contrast microscope Fasecontrastmicroscoop
Phases of the moon Schijngestalten
Phasianidae Fazantachtigen
Phasmatodea Phasmatodea
Phatthalung Phattalung
Phatthalung Province Changwat Phattalung
Phayao Phayao
Phayao Province Changwat Phayao
Phaëton Phaethon
PhD doctor
pheasant fazant
Pheasant Island Fazanteneiland
Phecda Gamma Thor Thor
Pheidippides Phidippides
Phelline Phellinaceae
Phelonion Phelonion
Phelps Phelps
Phelps County Phelps County
Phelsuma Phelsuma
Pheme Fame
Phenakistoscope Fenakistiscoop
Phenakite Fenakiet
Phenazone Antipyrine
Phenethylamine Fenylethylamine
Pheng Xat Lao Pheng Xat Lao
Phenix Phoenix
phenobarbital fenobarbital
Phenocryst Fenocryst
Phenol Fenol
Phenolphtalein Fenolftaleïne
phenomenal fenomenaal
phenomenon fenomeen
Phenotype Fenotype
Phenyl group Fenylgroep
Phenylalanine Fenylalanine
Phenylketonuria Fenylketonurie
Pheosia tremula Brandvlerkvlinder
Pherae Pherai
Pherecydes of Syros Pherecydes van Syros
Phetchabun Mountains Phetchabunbergen
Phetchabun Province Changwat Phetchabun
Phetchaburi Province Changwat Phetchaburi
phew oef
Phi Eerloosheid
Phi Phi Islands Phi Phi-eilanden
phial flesje
Phichit Province Changwat Phichit
Phidias Phidias
Phil Anselmo Phil Anselmo
Phil Collins Phil Collins
Phil Hartman Phil Hartman
Phil Hill Phil Hill
Phil Knight Phil Knight
Phil Lynott Phil Lynott
Phil Neville Phil Neville
Phil Selway Phil Selway
Phil Spector Phil Spector
Phil Zimmermann Philip Zimmermann
Philadelphia Philadelphia
Philadelphia chromosome Philadelphia
Philadelphia Convention Constitutional Convention
Philadelphia Eagles Philadelphia Eagles
Philadelphia Experiment Philadelphia-experiment
Philadelphia Flyers Philadelphia Flyers
Philadelphia International Airport Philadelphia International Airport