Search term inflexible has 22 results
EN English FR French
inflexible (a) [ironclad] à toute épreuve (a) [ironclad]
inflexible (a) [behavior] dur (a) {m} [behavior]
inflexible (a) [ironclad] rigide (a) [ironclad]
inflexible (a) [material] rigide (a) [material]
inflexible (a) [behavior] inflexible (a) [behavior]
EN English FR French
inflexible (a) [ironclad] inflexible (a) [ironclad]
inflexible (a) [behavior] intransigeant (a) {m} [behavior]
inflexible (a) [material] non flexible (a) [material]
EN Synonyms for inflexible FR Translations
solid [characteristic] tinta unita (adj n adv)
adamantine [characteristic] adamantino
compact [characteristic] (formal sodo
firm [characteristic] compatto
impenetrable [characteristic] impenetrabile
resistant [characteristic] resistente
hard [characteristic] rigido
obstinate [stubborn] cocciuto {m}
headstrong [stubborn] caparbio {m}
adamant [stubborn] (formal ostinato {m}
intractable [stubborn] (formal intrattabile
obdurate [stubborn] ostinato {m}
wilful [stubborn] intenzionale
positive [resolute] definitivo
resolved [resolute] deciso
set [resolute] messo
strenuous [resolute] fervente
rigid [resolute] inviolabile
sturdy [resolute] valido
determined [resolute] fisso
FR French EN English
inflexible (a) [à toute épreuve] concrete (a) [à toute épreuve]
inflexible (a) [à toute épreuve] ironclad (a) [à toute épreuve]
inflexible (a) [conduite] rigid (a) [conduite]
inflexible (a) [à toute épreuve] rigid (a) [à toute épreuve]
inflexible (a) [conduite] inflexible (a) [conduite]
inflexible (a) [à toute épreuve] inflexible (a) [à toute épreuve]
inflexible (a) [conduite] adamant (a) [conduite] (formal)
inflexible (adj n) [determined; unshakeable; unyielding] adamant (adj n) [determined; unshakeable; unyielding] (formal)
inflexible (a) [conduite] unyielding (a) [conduite]
inflexible (adj) [not giving in] unyielding (adj) [not giving in]
inflexible (a) [conduite] unbending (a) [conduite]
inflexible (a) [conduite] hard as nails (a) [conduite] (informal)
inflexible (a) [conduite] tough as nails (a) [conduite] (informal)
inflexible (adj) [invincible; which cannot be brought down or overcome] undownable (adj) [invincible; which cannot be brought down or overcome] (adj)

French English translations

FR Synonyms for inflexible EN Translations
strict [manière] streng
pointilleux [manière] pingelig
tatillon [manière] kleinlich
rigide [manière] steif
rigoriste [manière] f Ewiggestrige {f}
sévère [manière] hart
intransigeant [manière] m Verfechter {m}
à cheval [manière] zu Pferd
absolu [brusque] m völlig
dur [brusque] m rau
sec [brusque] trocken
tranchant [brusque] m Schärfe {f}
cassant [brusque] spröde
décidé [persévérant] entschlussfreudig
ferme [persévérant] f Bauernhof {m}
obstiné [persévérant] eigenwillig
opiniâtre [persévérant] beharrlich
résolu [persévérant] zielstrebig
assidu [persévérant] fleißig
fixe [persévérant] fest