Search term sagacity has 5 results
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EN English CS Czech
sagacity (formal) prozíravost
sagacity (n) [quality of being sage] (formal) moudrost (n) [quality of being sage]
sagacity (formal) ostrovtip
sagacity (formal) bystrost
sagacity (formal) chytrost
EN Synonyms for sagacity CS Translations
training [knowledge] treinamento {m}
skill [knowledge] talento {m}
seasoning [knowledge] tempero {m}
maturity [knowledge] data de vencimento {f}
practice [knowledge] prática(a)
wisdom [knowledge] sabedoria {f}
experience [knowledge] experiência {f}
intelligence [mental condition] serviço secreto
intellect [mental condition] intelecto {m}
reason [mental condition] razãoo
sense [mental condition] senso {m}
understanding [mental condition] compreensão {f}
lucidity [mental condition] lucidez {f}
wit [mental condition] talento {m}
insight [acumen] perspicáciaao final
keenness [acumen] acuidade {f}
astuteness [acumen] sagacidade {f}
sharpness [acumen] precisãoialmente
acuteness [acumen] acuidade {f}
cogency [acumen] poder de convencer {m}