EN English dictionary: you can say goodbye to that
you can say goodbye to that has 9 translations in 1 languages
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translations of you can say goodbye to that
EN DE German 9 translations
- das kannst du dir abschminken
- das kannst du in den Schlot schreiben
- das kannst du in den Schornstein schreiben
- das kannst du vergessen
- das können Sie in den Schornstein schreiben
- das können Sie sich abschminken
- das können Sie vergessen
- davon kannst du dich verabschieden
- davon können Sie sich verabschieden
Words before and after you can say goodbye to that
- you can hear the sound of laughter
- you can imagine
- you can just imagine
- you can kiss goodby to that
- you can kiss goodbye to that
- you can kiss my chuddies!
- you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
- you can not
- you can only guess
- you can say goodby to that
- you can say goodbye to that
- you can say that again
- you can talk
- you can talk well
- you can talk!
- you can tell by the look on his face
- you can thank your lucky stars
- you can wait until kingdom comes
- you can't always have things your own way
- you can't get your own way all of the time
- you can't go back on it now