EN English dictionary: wiener
wiener has 35 translations in 12 languages
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translations of wiener
EN PT Portuguese 4 translations
- salsicha tipo frankfurter (n) [culinary] {f}
- salsicha alemã (n) [culinary] {f}
- pinto (n) [childish word for the penis] {m}
- bilau (n) [childish word for the penis] (n)
EN DE German 15 translations
- Waschlappen {m}
- Frankfurter Würstchen (n) [culinary] {n}
- Zipfel
- Wiener {m}
- Pimmel {m}
- Wiener Würstchen
- Dödel
- Piepel
- Schniepel
- Zumpferl
- Wienerli
- Wienerle
- Wiener Wurst
- Zibbel
- Zipferl
EN NL Dutch 2 translations
- Frankfurter worstje (n) [culinary] {n}
- knakworst (n) [culinary] {m}
EN SV Swedish 4 translations
- frankfurterkorv (n) [culinary] (u)
- korv (u)
- snopp (n) [childish word for the penis]
- pillesnopp (n) [childish word for the penis] (n)
EN RU Russian 2 translations