EN English dictionary: weather vane
weather vane has 19 translations in 12 languages
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translations of weather vane
EN ES Spanish 1 translation
- veleta (n) [a device showing the direction of the wind, weather] {f}
EN FR French 1 translation
- girouette (n) [a device showing the direction of the wind, weather] {f}
EN IT Italian 4 translations
- banderuola segnavento (n) [weather] {f}
- segnavento (n) [weather] {m}
- voltagabbana {m}
- banderuola (n) [a device showing the direction of the wind]
EN PT Portuguese 2 translations
- ventoinha (n) [a device showing the direction of the wind] {f}
- cata-vento (n) [a device showing the direction of the wind, weather] {m}
EN DE German 2 translations
- Wetterfahne (n) [a device showing the direction of the wind, weather] {f}
- Windfahne (f)
EN NL Dutch 1 translation
- windwijzer (n) [a device showing the direction of the wind, weather] {m}
EN SV Swedish 2 translations
- väderflöjel (n) [weather] (u)
- vindflöjel (n) [a device showing the direction of the wind, weather] (u)
EN DA Danish 2 translations
EN RU Russian 1 translation
- флю́гер (n) [a device showing the direction of the wind] (n)
EN SL Slovenian 1 translation
- vetrokaz (n) [a device showing the direction of the wind] (n)
Words before and after weather vane
- weather speak
- weather spell
- weather stain
- weather station
- weather strip
- weather stripping
- weather stripping of doors
- weather the crisis
- weather the storm
- weather turbulences
- weather vane
- weather vanes
- weather window
- weather-beaten
- weather-bound
- weather-bureau
- weather-dependent
- weather-gage
- weather-gauge
- weather-girl
- weather-glass