EN English dictionary: very cruel
very cruel has 23 translations in 7 languages
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translations of very cruel
EN ES Spanish 3 translations
- sanguinario (a) [bloodthirsty]
- homicida (a) [bloodthirsty] {m}
- muy cruel (a) [bloodthirsty]
EN FR French 3 translations
- sanguinaire (a) [bloodthirsty]
- meurtrier (a) [bloodthirsty] {m}
- altéré de sang
EN IT Italian 2 translations
- sanguinario (a) [bloodthirsty]
- assetato di sangue (a) [bloodthirsty]
EN PT Portuguese 3 translations
- cruel (a) [bloodthirsty]
- sanguinário (a) [bloodthirsty]
- assassino (a) [bloodthirsty] {m}
EN DE German 3 translations
- grausam (a) [bloodthirsty]
- blutrünstig (a) [bloodthirsty]
- mörderisch (a) [bloodthirsty]
EN NL Dutch 4 translations
- wreed (a) [bloodthirsty]
- bloeddorstig (a) [bloodthirsty]
- moorddadig (a) [bloodthirsty]
- moordend (a) [bloodthirsty]
EN SV Swedish 5 translations
- barbarisk (a) [bloodthirsty]
- omänsklig (a) [bloodthirsty]
- grym (a) [bloodthirsty]
- blodtörstig (a) [bloodthirsty]
- mordisk (a) [bloodthirsty]