EN English dictionary: usefulness
usefulness has 30 translations in 13 languages
translations of usefulness
EN ES Spanish 2 translations
EN FR French 2 translations
EN PT Portuguese 2 translations
EN DE German 7 translations
- Nutzen {m}
- Brauchbarkeit (n) [use] {f}
- Nützlichkeit (n) [quality of being useful, use] {f}
- Zweckmäßigkeit {f}
- Aussagekraft {f}
- Dienlichkeit (n)
- Aussagewert
EN NL Dutch 2 translations
- bruikbaarheid (n) [quality of being useful, use] {f}
- nut (n) [use] {n}
EN CS Czech 3 translations
- užitečnost (n) [quality of being useful] (n)
- prospěšnost
- účelnost
EN PL Polish 3 translations
- pożytek (n) {m}
- przydatność (n) {f}
- użyteczność (n) [quality of being useful] {f}