EN English dictionary: urinary tract
urinary tract has 10 translations in 6 languages
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translations of urinary tract
EN FR French 2 translations
- urinaire (n) [urinary tract]
- voies urinaires (n) [urinary tract] (n)
EN DE German 3 translations
- Harnwege [urinary tract] (n)
- Harntrakt (n) [urinary tract] (n)
- Harnorgane
EN RU Russian 2 translations
- мочевы́е пути́ (n) [urinary tract] (n)
- мочевыводя́щие пути́ (n) [urinary tract] (n)
Words before and after urinary tract
- urinary hesitancy
- urinary incontinence
- urinary meatus
- urinary obstruction
- urinary organ
- urinary phlegmon
- urinary retention
- urinary stone
- urinary stones
- urinary system
- urinary tract
- urinary tract disease
- urinary tract diseases
- urinary tract infection
- urinary tract infections
- urinate
- urinated
- urinates
- urinating
- urination
- urinator