Uranus has 32 translations in 19 languages
translations of Uranus
EN ES Spanish 1 translation
- Urano [astronomy, god of the sky and heavens] {m}
EN FR French 2 translations
EN IT Italian 1 translation
- Urano [astronomy, god of the sky and heavens] {m}
EN PT Portuguese 1 translation
- Urano [astronomy, god of the sky and heavens] {m}
EN DE German 2 translations
- Uranus (n) [astronomy, god of the sky and heavens] {m}
- Uranos
EN NL Dutch 2 translations
EN SV Swedish 2 translations
- Uranus [astronomy]
- Uranos (proper) [god of the sky and heavens]
EN CS Czech 2 translations
EN PL Polish 2 translations
- Uran (n) {m}
- Uranos (n) [god of the sky and heavens] {m}
EN DA Danish 1 translation
EN BG Bulgarian 1 translation
EN HU Hungarian 2 translations
EN AF Afrikaans 1 translation
EN RU Russian 2 translations
- Уран
- Ура́н (proper) [god of the sky and heavens]
EN SL Slovenian 2 translations
- Uran {m}
- Urán (proper) [god of the sky and heavens]
EN ZH Chinese 1 translation
EN HI Hindi 2 translations
EN JA Japanese 4 translations
- ウラヌス (proper) [god of the sky and heavens]
- 天王星
- ウラノス (proper) [god of the sky and heavens]
- ウーラノス
EN VI Vietnamese 1 translation
Words before and after Uranus