EN English dictionary: update
update has 61 translations in 10 languages
translations of update
EN ES Spanish 7 translations
- poner al día (v) [information, modernize]
- informar (v) [information]
- notificar (v) [information]
- poner al corriente (v) [information]
- modernizar (v) [modernize]
- actualizar
- actualización {f}
EN FR French 6 translations
- mettre à jour (v) [modernize]
- renseigner sur (v) [information]
- informer de (v) [information]
- mettre au courant de (v) [information]
- moderniser (v) [modernize]
- mise à jour (n v) [action of advising someone so that they are up to date]
EN IT Italian 6 translations
- rendere noto (v) [information]
- aggiornare (v) [modernize]
- aggiornamento (n v) [action of advising someone so that they are up to date] {m}
- informare (v) [information]
- mettere al corrente (v) [information]
- modernizzare (v) [modernize]
EN PT Portuguese 5 translations
- notificar (v) [information]
- atualizar (v) [information, modernize]
- informar (v) [information]
- inteirar (v) [information]
- modernizar (v) [modernize]
EN DE German 17 translations
- verbessern
- in Kenntnis setzen (v) [information]
- informieren (v) [information]
- mitteilen (v) [information]
- berichten (v) [information]
- erneuern (v) [modernize]
- modernisieren (v) [modernize]
- aktualisieren
- fortschreiben
- Aktualisierung
- Fortschreibung
- Neuausgabe
- Programmaktualisierung
- Update {n}
- Ajourierung
- Ajournierung
- aktueller Überblick
EN NL Dutch 7 translations
- informeren (v) [information]
- op de hoogte brengen (v) [information]
- in kennis stellen (v) [information] {n}
- mededelen (v) [information]
- meedelen (v) [information]
- moderniseren (v) [modernize]
- bij de tijd brengen (v) [modernize]
EN SV Swedish 5 translations
- upplysa (v) [information]
- informera (v) [information]
- uppdatera (v) [modernize]
- modernisera (v) [modernize]
- uppdatering
EN CS Czech 6 translations