EN English dictionary: unpleasantness
unpleasantness has 15 translations in 8 languages
translations of unpleasantness
EN IT Italian 2 translations
- disaccordo (n) [The property of being unpleasant or disagreeable] {m}
- spiacevolezza [The property of being unpleasant or disagreeable]
EN NL Dutch 2 translations
- onaangenaamheid (n) [The property of being unpleasant or disagreeable] {f}
- zerpte (n) [The property of being unpleasant or disagreeable] (n)
EN HU Hungarian 4 translations
- kellemetlenség (n) [The property of being unpleasant or disagreeable] (n adj v)
- civódás (n)
- viszálykodás
- kellemetlen jellege vminek
Words before and after unpleasantness
- unpleasant odour
- unpleasant person
- unpleasant smell
- unpleasant surprise
- unpleasant voice
- unpleasant weather
- unpleasant woman
- unpleasant-sounding voice
- unpleasantly
- unpleasantly conspicuous
- unpleasantness
- unpleasantnesses
- unpleasantry
- unpleased
- unpleasing
- unpleasingness
- unpleasurable
- unpleated
- unpledged
- unplentiful
- unpliability