EN English dictionary: unpleasant
unpleasant has 74 translations in 11 languages
translations of unpleasant
EN ES Spanish 9 translations
- desagradable (a) [feelings, not pleasant]
- horrible (a) [behavior]
- atroz (a) [behavior]
- pésimo (a) [behavior]
- fastidioso (a) [feelings] {m}
- molesto (a) [feelings]
- pesado (a) [feelings] (informal)
- feo (a) [feelings]
- asqueroso
EN FR French 7 translations
- désagréable (a) [feelings]
- déplaisant (a) [behavior, feelings, not pleasant]
- méchant (a) [behavior]
- épouvantable (a) [behavior]
- abominable (a) [behavior]
- pénible (adj) [not pleasant]
- déplaisante (adj) [not pleasant] (adj)
EN IT Italian 9 translations
- antipatico
- sgradevole (a) [behavior, feelings, not pleasant]
- cattivo (a) [behavior, feelings]
- meschino (a) [behavior]
- spiacevole (a) [feelings, not pleasant]
- increscioso
- brutto (a) [feelings]
- laido
- dispiacévole
EN PT Portuguese 9 translations
- desagradável (a) [behavior, feelings, not pleasant]
- horrível (a) [behavior, feelings]
- baixo (a) [behavior] {m}
- detestável (a) [behavior]
- incômodo (a) [feelings] {m}
- ruim (a) [feelings]
- aborrecidoto
- aborígineto
- desagradávelaz
EN DE German 17 translations
- unsympathisch (a)
- widerwärtig
- abscheulich (a) [behavior]
- widerlich
- ekelhaft (a) [feelings]
- ungut (a)
- gräulich (a) [behavior]
- verabscheuungswürdig (a) [behavior]
- unangenehm (adj) [not pleasant, feelings]
- unerfreulich (a) [feelings]
- hässlich
- übel
- dumm
- unfreundlich
- unschön
- verflixt
- unliebsam
EN NL Dutch 11 translations
EN SV Swedish 7 translations
Words before and after unpleasant
- unplanned requirements
- unplanted
- unplastered
- unplastic
- unplasticized
- unplated
- unplausible
- unplayability
- unplayable
- unplayful
- unpleasant
- unpleasant consequence
- unpleasant effect
- unpleasant effects
- unpleasant event
- unpleasant experience
- unpleasant incident
- unpleasant odor
- unpleasant odour
- unpleasant person
- unpleasant smell