EN English dictionary: unhappiness
unhappiness has 43 translations in 12 languages
translations of unhappiness
EN ES Spanish 6 translations
- desagrado (n) [discontent] {m}
- tristeza (n) [emotional condition] {f}
- infelicidad (n) [emotional condition, feeling of not being happy] {f}
- descontento (n) [discontent] {m}
- insatisfacción (n) [discontent] {f}
- cuitado
EN FR French 4 translations
- tristesse (n) [emotional condition, feeling of not being happy] {f}
- malheur (n) [feeling of not being happy] {m}
- mécontentement (n) [discontent] {m}
- insatisfaction (n) [discontent] {f}
EN IT Italian 5 translations
- scontento (n) [discontent] {m}
- infelicità (n) [emotional condition] {f}
- miserabile
- malcontento (n) [discontent] {m}
- insoddisfazione (n) [discontent] {f}
EN PT Portuguese 4 translations
- tristeza (n) [emotional condition] {f}
- infelicidade (n) [discontent, emotional condition, feeling of not being happy] {f}
- descontentamento (n) [discontent] {m}
- insatisfação (n) [discontent] {f}
EN DE German 8 translations
- Unglück (n) [feeling of not being happy] {n}
- Unbehagen (n) [discontent] {n}
- Elend {n}
- Bedauern {n}
- Bekümmertheit (n) [emotional condition] {f}
- Unzufriedenheit (n) [discontent] {f}
- Traurigkeit (n) [feeling of not being happy] {f}
- Unglücklichsein {n}
EN NL Dutch 4 translations
- bedroefdheid (n) [emotional condition] {f}
- misnoegen (n) [discontent] {n}
- ontevredenheid (n) [discontent] {f}
- ongelukkigheid (n) [feeling of not being happy] (n)
EN SV Swedish 5 translations
- missnöje (n) [discontent] {n}
- dysterhet (n) [emotional condition] (u)
- bedrövelse (n) [discontent] {n}
- olycka (n) [feeling of not being happy] (u)
- missbelåtenhet (n) [discontent] (u)
EN PL Polish 2 translations
- zmartwienie (n) {n}
- nieszczęście (n) [feeling of not being happy] {n}