EN English dictionary: overabundance
overabundance has 27 translations in 8 languages
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translations of overabundance
EN ES Spanish 4 translations
- exceso (n) [excess] {m}
- sobreabundancia (n) [excess] {f}
- demasía (n) [excess] {f}
- plenitud {f}
EN FR French 3 translations
- excès (n) [excess] {m}
- surabondance (n) [excess] {f}
- profusion (n) [excess] {f}
EN IT Italian 5 translations
- eccesso (n) [excess] {m}
- sovrabbondanza (n) [excess] {f}
- eccedenza (n) [excess] {f}
- soprappiù (n) [excess] {m}
- pienezza {f}
EN PT Portuguese 3 translations
- abundância (n) [excess] {f}
- excesso (n) [excess] {m}
- superabundância (n) [excess] {f}
EN DE German 5 translations
- Fülle {f}
- Überfluss (n) [excess] {m}
- Übermaß (n) [excess] {n}
- Überschuss (n) [excess] {m}
- Reichhaltigkeit
EN SV Swedish 3 translations