EN English dictionary: It was a flop.
It was a flop. has 1 translations in 1 languages
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translations of It was a flop.
Words before and after It was a flop.
- It transpired that ...
- It turn out
- It turned out to be right.
- It turns me on.
- It turns out that
- It used to be.
- It was a bit a peeve.
- It was a direct challenge to the president's authority.
- It was a dog's breakfast.
- It was a doozie!
- It was a flop.
- It was a foregone conclusion
- It was a foregone conclusion that he would take over the business.
- It was a knee-jerk reaction on his part.
- It was a leviathan of a ship.
- It was a load off his mind.
- It was a perfectly organized disaster !
- It was a pleasure meeting you.
- It was a real treat to see him live.
- It was a really nice day, marred only by a little argument on the way home.
- It was a scream