EN English dictionary: Invention
Invention has 60 translations in 16 languages
translations of Invention
EN ES Spanish 5 translations
EN FR French 5 translations
EN IT Italian 4 translations
- menzogna (n) [story] {f}
- invenzione (n) [science, story] {f}
- storia inventata (n) [story] {f}
- Invenzione (tecnologia)
EN PT Portuguese 8 translations
EN DE German 8 translations
- Erfindung (n) [science, story] {f}
- Ausgedachtes (n) [story] {n}
- Fiktion (n) [story] {f}
- Lüge (n) [story] {f}
- Fund (n) {m}
- Einbildung (n) [story] {f}
- Wortneuschöpfung (n) {f}
- Invention
EN NL Dutch 7 translations
- verzinsel (n) [story] {n}
- bedenksel (n) [story] {n}
- leugen (n) [story] {m}
- hersenspinsel (n) [story] {n}
- verdichtsel (n) [story] {n}
- uitvinding (n) [science] {f}
- vinding (n) [science] {f}
EN SV Swedish 7 translations
- hopdiktning (n) [story] (u)
- fabricering (n) [story] (u)
- påhitt (n) [story] {n}
- fantasi (n) [story] (u)
- uppfinning (n) [science] (u)
- påfund
- Uppfinning
Words before and after Invention
- invented
- invented an explanation
- invented stories
- invented word
- invented words
- inventer
- inventilated
- inventing
- inventing an explanation
- inventing stories
- Invention
- invention disclosure
- invention of the devil
- inventionntion
- inventions
- inventionto invent
- inventive
- inventive activity
- inventive genius
- inventive ingenuity
- inventive mind