EN English dictionary: front line
front line has 22 translations in 10 languages
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translations of front line
EN FR French 2 translations
- ligne de feu (n) [military] {f}
- première ligne (n) [military] {f}
EN PT Portuguese 2 translations
- linha de frente (n) [military] {f}
- linha de combate (n) [military] {f}
EN DE German 7 translations
- Stellung {f}
- Front (n) [military, military boundary between opposing positions] {f}
- Frontlinie (n) [military] {f}
- Kampflinie
- Kampffront
- vorderste Front
- vorderste Linie
EN SV Swedish 1 translation
- frontlinje (n) [military, military boundary between opposing positions] (u)
EN RU Russian 3 translations
- фронт (n) [military boundary between opposing positions] (n)
- передова́я (n) [military boundary between opposing positions] (n)
- ли́ния фро́нта (n) [military boundary between opposing positions] (n)