EN English dictionary: Finn
Finn has 56 translations in 16 languages
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translations of Finn
EN ES Spanish 2 translations
- finlandés (n) [ethnology - man, person from Finland] {m}
- finlandesa (n) [ethnology - woman, person from Finland] {f}
EN FR French 4 translations
- Finlandais (n) [ethnology - man, person from Finland] {m}
- Finlandaise (n) [ethnology - woman, person from Finland] {f}
- Finnois (n proper) [person from Finland]
- Finnoise (n proper) [person from Finland] (n proper)
EN IT Italian 4 translations
- finlandese (n) [ethnology - man, ethnology - woman, person from Finland] {m}
- pinna {f}
- finnico
- Finn
EN PT Portuguese 2 translations
- finlandês (n) [ethnology - man, person from Finland] {m}
- finlandesa (n) [ethnology - woman, person from Finland] {f}
EN DE German 4 translations
EN NL Dutch 5 translations
- Fin (n) [ethnology - man, person from Finland] {m}
- Finse (n) [ethnology - woman, person from Finland] {f}
- Fins {n}
- fin
- Finn Folcwalding
EN SV Swedish 8 translations
- finländare (n) [ethnology - man, person from Finland] (u)
- finne (n) [ethnology - man, person from Finland] (u)
- finska (n) [ethnology - woman, person from Finland] (u)
- finländska (n) [ethnology - woman, person from Finland] (u)
- finnländare
- finlandssvensk (n proper) [person from Finland] (n proper)
- finlandssvenska (n proper) [person from Finland] (n proper)
- Finnjolle
EN CS Czech 4 translations
EN PL Polish 3 translations
EN BG Bulgarian 3 translations
- финландец (n proper) [person from Finland] (n proper)
- Фински език
- Финландка
EN HU Hungarian 2 translations
- finn (n proper) [person from Finland]
- Fionn mac Cumhaill
EN RU Russian 4 translations
- финн (n proper) [person from Finland] (m)
- фи́нка (n proper) [person from Finland] (n proper)
- финля́ндец (n proper) [person from Finland] (n proper)
- финля́ндка (n proper) [person from Finland] (n proper)
EN SL Slovenian 3 translations
EN JA Japanese 2 translations