EN English dictionary: Feminism
Feminism has 39 translations in 19 languages
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translations of Feminism
EN ES Spanish 2 translations
EN FR French 2 translations
EN IT Italian 2 translations
- femminismo [ideology, the social theory or political movement] {m}
- Femminismo
EN PT Portuguese 2 translations
EN DE German 2 translations
- Feminismus (n) [ideology, the social theory or political movement] {m}
- Frauenrechtlertum
EN NL Dutch 1 translation
- feminisme [ideology, the social theory or political movement] {n}
EN SV Swedish 2 translations
EN CS Czech 2 translations
- feminismus [the social theory or political movement] {m}
- Feminismus
EN PL Polish 2 translations
EN DA Danish 2 translations
EN BG Bulgarian 2 translations
EN HU Hungarian 2 translations
- feminizmus [the social theory or political movement]
- Feminizmus
EN RU Russian 3 translations
EN ZH Chinese 6 translations
EN HI Hindi 1 translation
- नारीवाद [the social theory or political movement] {m} (nārīvād)
EN JA Japanese 2 translations
EN VI Vietnamese 2 translations
- chủ nghĩa nam nữ bình quyền [the social theory or political movement]
- chủ nghỉa nư quyền (n) [the social theory or political movement]
Words before and after Feminism
- feminine psychology
- feminine rhyme
- femininely
- feminineness
- femininetelisten
- femininie
- femininity
- feminisation
- feminise
- feminising tumour
- Feminism
- feminisme
- feminist
- feminist authors
- feminist film
- feminist literature
- feminist movement
- feminist movie
- feminist research
- feminist sociology
- feminist studies