EN English dictionary from international pen to international rugby hall of fame
- International PEN
- international permanent virtual connection
- international person
- international personality
- International Pharmaceutical Federation
- International Philosophy Day
- International Philosophy Olympiad
- International Phonetic Alphabet
- international phonetic alphabet , IPA
- International Phonetic Association
- International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
- International Physics Olympiad
- international pitch
- International Plant Protection Convention
- International Polar Year
- International Police Association
- International Political Science Association
- international politics
- International Portuguese Language Institute
- International Potato Center
- International Practical Shooting Confederation
- international prefix
- international press
- International Press Telecommunications Council
- international procurement marketing
- International Psychoanalytical Association
- International Radio and Television Organisation
- international rate
- international recycling symbol
- International Red Aid
- International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
- International Red Cross, IRC
- International Referral System
- International Refugee Organization
- International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
- international relations
- international relations , IR
- International relations theory
- international reply coupon
- international representation
- International Republican Institute
- International Rescue Committee
- international reserves
- international residential property market
- International Revolutionary Marxist Centre
- International Rice Research Institute
- international road haulage
- international road transport
- International Rowing Federation
- International Rugby Hall of Fame