English Swedish
Theodore Teodor
Theodore Beza Theodor Beza
Theodore Dreiser Theodore Dreiser
Theodore Harold Maiman Theodore Maiman
Theodore I Laskaris Theodor I Lascaris
Theodore II Theodorus
Theodore II Laskaris Theodor II
Theodore Kaczynski Unabombaren
Theodore Racing Theodore Racing
Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Schultz Theodore Schultz
Theodore Sturgeon Theodore Sturgeon
Theodore von Kármán Theodore von Kármán
Theodore William Richards Theodore William Richards
Theodoric Theoderik
Theodoric I Theoderik I
Theodoric II Theoderik II av Burgund
Theodoric the Great Theoderik den store
Theodoros Angelopoulos Theo Angelopoulos
Theodosia Feodosija
Theodosios III Theodosius III
Theodosius Theodosius
Theodosius I Theodosius I
Theodosius II Theodosius II
Theodulf of Orléans Teodulf av Orléans
theologian teolog
theologians teologer
theological teologisk
theology teologi
Theophanis Lamboukas Theophanis Lamboukas
theophany teofani
Theophilos Theofilos
Theophilus Teofil
Theophilus of Antioch Teofil
Theophilus Presbyter Theophilus Presbyter
Theophrastus Theofrastos
Theora Ogg Theora
theorem sats
Theorem of Pythagoras Pythagoras sats
theoretical teoretisk
Theoretical chemistry Teoretisk kemi
Theoretical philosophy Teoretisk filosofi
theoretically teoretiskt
theoretician teoretiker
Theorie Teori
theories teorier
theorist teoretiker
theorize teoretisera
theory teori
theory of chances sannolikhetskalkyl
Theory of cognition Kunskapsteori
theory of combinations kombinationslära
theory of equations ekvationsteori
theory of evolution utvecklingslära
Theory of forms Idévärld
theory of gravitation gravitationsteori