Search term worst comes to worst has one result
EN English PT Portuguese
worst comes to worst (adv) [if a bad situation develops] (adv) na (adv) [if a bad situation develops]

EN PT Translations for worst

worst (o) [general] mais mal (o) [general]
worst (adj n adv v) [In the worst way] pior (adj n adv v) {m} [In the worst way]
worst (n) [general] pior (n) {m} [general]
worst (a) [general] pior (a) {m} [general]
worst (o) [general] pior (o) {m} [general]
worst piore Adão
worst piore adão

EN PT Translations for to

to para(em direção à)
to (o) [causing] para (o) [causing]
to (o) [destination] para (o) [destination]
to (o) [direction] para (o) [direction]
to (o) [general] para (o) [general]
to (o) [in each] para (o) [in each]
to (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] para (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
to (o) [indirect object] para (o) [indirect object]
to (o) [reason] para (o) [reason]
to (o) [time] para (o) [time]