Search term in has 11 results
EN English PT Portuguese
in (o) [preposition] no (o) [preposition]
in em
in (o) [preposition] em (o) [preposition]
in (o) [proximity] em (o) [proximity]
in dentro de
EN English PT Portuguese
in (o) [preposition] na (o) [preposition]
in (o) [preposition] dentro (o) [preposition]
in nos
in nas
in nosxi
EN Synonyms for in PT Translations
during [part of speech] durante
while [part of speech] malgrado (n conj v)
whilst [part of speech] enquanto
meanwhile [part of speech] enquanto isso
at [part of speech] emilha
in the act of [part of speech] durante
within [place] dentro de
PT Portuguese EN English