Search term weird out has one result
EN English NL Dutch
weird out (v) [make feel strange] (v) de (v) [make feel strange]

EN NL Translations for weird

weird (n adj v) [deviating from the normal; bizarre] (formal) ongewoon (n adj v) [deviating from the normal; bizarre]
weird (a) [eccentric] (formal) ongewoon (a) [eccentric]
weird (n adj v) [deviating from the normal; bizarre] (formal) vreemd (n adj v) [deviating from the normal; bizarre]
weird (a) [droll] (formal) vreemd (a) [droll]
weird (a) [eccentric] (formal) vreemd (a) [eccentric]
weird (n adj v) [deviating from the normal; bizarre] (formal) bizar (n adj v) [deviating from the normal; bizarre]
weird (a) [droll] (formal) bizar (a) [droll]
weird (n adj v) [deviating from the normal; bizarre] (formal) merkwaardig (n adj v) [deviating from the normal; bizarre]
weird (a) [eerie] (formal) eng (a) [eerie]
weird (n adj v) [deviating from the normal; bizarre] (formal) eigenaardig (n adj v) [deviating from the normal; bizarre]

EN NL Translations for out