Search term strategy has 4 results
EN English NL Dutch
strategy (n) [art of using similar techniques in politics or business] strategie (n) {f} [art of using similar techniques in politics or business]
strategy (n) [military] strategie (n) {f} [military]
strategy (n) [plan] strategie (n) {f} [plan]
strategy krijgskunde
EN Synonyms for strategy NL Translations
tactics [method] tactique {f}
plan [method] plan {m}
procedure [method] procédure {f}
scheme [method] plan {m}
arrangement [method] préparatif {m}
modus operandi [method] façon d'opérer {f}
system [method] système {m}
corner [monopoly] manœuvrer
dominance [monopoly] dominance
manipulation [monopoly] influence {f}
control [monopoly] contrôle {m}
dodge [trick] esquiver
venture [event] firme {f}
undertaking [event] (formal promesse {f}
stratagem [event] (formal stratagème {m}
plot [event] lot {m}
adventure [event] aventure {f}
game [event] jeu {m}
layout [representation] agencement {m}
blueprint [representation] plan {m}