Search term retrieve has 9 results
EN English NL Dutch
retrieve (v) [money] terugwinnen (v) [money]
retrieve (v) [injustice] herstellen (v) {n} [injustice]
retrieve (v) [situation] herstellen (v) {n} [situation]
retrieve (v) [injustice] rechtzetten (v) [injustice]
retrieve (v) [injustice] goedmaken (v) [injustice]
retrieve (v) [injustice] rechttrekken (v) [injustice]
retrieve (v) [situation] weer goedmaken (v) [situation]
retrieve (v n) [return of a difficult ball] redding (v n) {f} [return of a difficult ball]
retrieve (v) [data processing] terugvinden (v) {n} [data processing]
EN Synonyms for retrieve NL Translations
gather [recover] 集める
earn [recover] 値する (n v)
bring [activity] もっていく
fetch [activity] 持ち帰る (v n)
rescue [regain] 救出 (v n)