Search term in has 33 results
EN English NL Dutch
in te
in (o) [proximity] bij (o) {m} [proximity]
in (o) [proximity] op (o) [proximity]
in (o) [proximity] aan (o) [proximity]
in in
EN English NL Dutch
in (o) [preposition] in (o) [preposition]
in (o) [proximity] in (o) [proximity]
in binnen
in per
EN Synonyms for in NL Translations
during [part of speech] pendant
while [part of speech] quoique
whilst [part of speech] pendant que
meanwhile [part of speech] en attendant
at [part of speech] près de
in the act of [part of speech] en train de
within [place] d'ici
NL Dutch EN English
in [gedrag] fashionable [gedrag]
in (adj) [fashionable] vogueing (adj) [fashionable] (adj)
in (n v) [to cut into small cubes] dice (n v) [to cut into small cubes]
in (v) [be an epitome] epitomize (v) [be an epitome]
in [gedrag] in vogue [gedrag]
in [gedrag] in fashion [gedrag]
in [voorzetsel] to the inside [voorzetsel]
in [voorzetsel] into [voorzetsel]
in [richting] into [richting]
in into
in [mode] very fashionable [mode]
in [mode] trendy [mode] (informal)
in [voorzetsel] inside [voorzetsel]
in [voorzetsel] within [voorzetsel]
in [voorzetsel] in [voorzetsel]
in [nabijheid] in [nabijheid]
in [nabijheid] at [nabijheid]
in (adj v) [legally qualified] able (adj v) [legally qualified]
in [in elk] to [in elk]
in a
in per
in inside
in within
in in