Search term goedkeuring has 14 results
NL Dutch EN English
goedkeuring (n) [an understanding to follow a course of conduct] {f} agreement (n) [an understanding to follow a course of conduct]
goedkeuring [toestemming] {f} agreement [toestemming]
goedkeuring [toestemming] {f} consent [toestemming]
goedkeuring [instemming] {f} acceptance [instemming]
goedkeuring [instemming] {f} approval [instemming]
NL Dutch EN English
goedkeuring [rechten] {f} approval [rechten]
goedkeuring [toestemming] {f} approval [toestemming]
goedkeuring [instemming] {f} assent [instemming] (formal)
goedkeuring [toestemming] {f} assent [toestemming] (formal)
goedkeuring [rechten] {f} endorsement [rechten]
goedkeuring [rechten] {f} sanction [rechten]
goedkeuring [rechten] {f} seal of approval [rechten]
goedkeuring [toestemming] {f} authorization [toestemming]
goedkeuring [toestemming] {f} permission [toestemming]

Dutch English translations

NL Synonyms for goedkeuring EN Translations
erkenning [bekrachtiging] f acknowledgment
sanctie [bekrachtiging] f sanction
adhesie [instemming] f adhesion
bijval [instemming] m approval
waardering [instemming] f estimation
instemming [adhesie] f authorization
inwilliging [akkoord] f agreement
fiat [akkoord] permission
toestemming [aanvaarding] f allowance
bijstand [aanmoediging] m succor
steun [aanmoediging] m buttress
zegen [aanmoediging] m boon (formal)
bekrachtiging [sanctie] f seal of approval
aanmoediging [zegen] f exhortation