Search term coming from has 4 results
EN English NL Dutch
coming from (o) [origin] van (o) [origin]
coming from (o) [origin] uit (o) [origin]
coming from (o) [origin] afkomstig van (o) [origin]
coming from (o) [origin] afkomstig uit (o) [origin]

EN NL Translations for coming

coming (a) [approaching] naderend (a) [approaching]
coming (a) [future] naderend (a) [future]
coming (o) [time] naderend (o) [time]
coming (n) [general] aankomst (n) {f} [general]
coming (n) [general] komst (n) {m} [general]
coming (o) [time] in aantocht (o) [time]
coming (o) [time] onderweg (o) [time]
coming (o) [time] op weg (o) [time]
coming (a) [approaching] komend (a) [approaching]
coming (a) [approaching] aanstaand (a) [approaching]

EN NL Translations for from

from van
from (o) [origin] van (o) [origin]
from (o) [place] van (o) [place]
from (o) [time] van (o) [time]
from (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at] van (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at]
from met ingang van
from (o) [place] uit (o) [place]
from (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at] uit (prep) [with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at]
from (o) [time] vanaf (o) [time]
from sedert