Search term blank has 5 results
EN English FR French
blank (a) [look] vide (a) {m} [look]
blank (adj n v) [bullet that doesn't harm] balle (adj n v) {f} [bullet that doesn't harm]
blank (a) [document] en blanc (a) [document]
blank (o) [paper] en blanc (o) [paper]
blank (adj n v) [bullet that doesn't harm] cartouche (adj n v) {f} [bullet that doesn't harm]
EN Synonyms for blank FR Translations
empty [vacant] boş
unoccupied [vacant] boş
zilch [zero] (informal değersiz
nothing [zero] hiç
unconditional [quantity] koşulsuz (adj)
space [thing] uzay
chasm [missing] uçurum
disregard [missing] uymama (n v)
foolish [behaviour] sersem
frivolous [behaviour] havai (adj)
document [application] doküman
paper [application] kâğıt (-dı)
zero [cipher] sıfır