English French
Greater Bulldog Bat Noctilio
Greater Casablanca Grand Casablanca
Greater Caucasus Vladikavkaz
greater celandine chélidoine
Greater China Grande Chine
Greater Concepción Grand Concepción
Greater Crested Tern Sterne huppée
Greater Dublin Area Grand Dublin
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere Sphère de coprospérité de la grande Asie orientale
Greater Flamingo Flamant rose
Greater galago Otolemur
Greater Glider Petauroides volans
Greater Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum
Greater Iran Monde iranien
Greater Israel Grand Israël
Greater Kestrel Crécerelle aux yeux blancs
Greater Khorasan Khorassan
Greater London Grand Londres
Greater London Authority Greater London Authority
Greater London Urban Area Région urbaine de Londres
Greater Long-tailed Hamster Tscherskia
Greater Los Angeles Area Grand Los Angeles
Greater Manchester Grand Manchester
Greater Middle East Grand Moyen-Orient
Greater Mongolia Mongolie
Greater Montreal Communauté urbaine de Montréal
Greater mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis
Greater Netherlands Nationalisme thiois
Greater Noctule bat Nyctalus lasiopterus
Greater plantain Grand plantain
Greater Poland Grande-Pologne
Greater Poland Uprising Insurrections de Grande Pologne
Greater Poland Voivodeship Voïvodie de Grande-Pologne
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo Dicrurus paradiseus
Greater Region Grande Région
Greater Reykjavík Area Höfuðborgarsvæðið
Greater Roadrunner Grand géocoucou
Greater Romania Grande Roumanie historique
Greater Romania Party Parti de la grande Roumanie
greater scaup fuligule milouinan
Greater Short-toed Lark Alouette calandrelle
Greater Siren Sirène lacertine
Greater Skopje Skopje
Greater Spotted Eagle Aigle criard
Greater Sudbury Grand Sudbury
Greater Swamp-warbler Rousserolle des cannes
Greater Syria Grande Syrie
Greater Tokyo Area Grand Tōkyō
Greater weever Trachinus draco
Greater White-toothed Shrew Musaraigne musette
Greater Wrath Grande guerre nordique
greatest meilleur
Greatest common divisor Plus grand commun diviseur
Greatest Hits Greatest Hits
Greatest Hits from the Bong Greatest Hits From The Bong
greatest thing since sliced bread mieux que le fil à couper le beurre
greatly excessivement
greatness grandeur
greave grève
greaves cretons
grebe grèbe
Grebenac Grebenac
Grecce Grèce
Grecian Grec
Grecian horse Cheval de Troie
Greco- gréco-
Greco-Bactrian Kingdom Royaume gréco-bactrien
Greco-Buddhism Gréco-bouddhisme
Greco-Buddhist art Art gréco-bouddhique
Greco-Italian War Guerre italo-grecque
Greco-Persian Wars Guerres médiques
Greco-Roman gréco-romain
Greco-Roman wrestling Lutte gréco-romaine
Greco-Turkish War Guerre gréco-turque
Greece Grèce