Search term you just don't do that has 2 results

EN DE Translations for you

you (n) dich (n)
you (o) [general] dich (o) [general]
you (o) [pers. pron. - direct object - sg.] dich (o) [pers. pron. - direct object - sg.]
you (a) dir (a)
you (o) [general] dir (o) [general]
you (o) [pers. pron. - indirect object - sg.] dir (o) [pers. pron. - indirect object - sg.]
you (n) du (n)
you (o) [general] du (o) [general]
you (o) [pers. pron. - subject - sg.] du (o) [pers. pron. - subject - sg.]
you (n) euch (n)

EN DE Translations for just

just halt
just (n) halt (n)
just (n) nur (n)
just (o) [general] nur (o) [general]
just (o) [only] nur (o) [only]
just noch
just (o) [general] bloß (o) [general]
just einzig
just (o) [only] erst (o) [only]
just (o) [only] lediglich (o) [only]

EN DE Translations for don't

don't kein
don't (contraction n) [do not] nicht (contraction n) [do not]
don't nicht tun

EN DE Translations for do

do abreißen
do gehen
to do (v) gehen (v)
do schaffen
do ausführen
do erledigen
to do (v) treiben (v)
to do (v) reichen (v)
do geben
do richten

EN DE Translations for that

that (o) [intensifier] derartig (o) [intensifier]
that da
that weil
that (o) [intensifier] so (o) [intensifier]
that (conj determiner pronoun adv) [connecting a clause indicating purpose] damit (conj determiner pronoun adv) [connecting a clause indicating purpose]
that (o) [intensifier] dermaßen (o) [intensifier]
that (conj determiner pronoun adv) [connecting a clause indicating purpose] sodass (conj determiner pronoun adv) [connecting a clause indicating purpose]
that (o) [demonstrative] das (o) [demonstrative]
that (a) [indicative determiner - sg.] das (a) [indicative determiner - sg.]
that (o) [indicative pronoun] das (o) [indicative pronoun]