Search term Wehen förderndes Mittel has 3 results

DE EN Translations for wehen

Wehen (n) [Medizin] labor (n) [Medizin]
Wehen (n) [Medizin] labor pains (n) [Medizin]
Wehen birth pangs
Wehen labour {Ü|en|}
Wehen (n) [Medizin] travail (n) [Medizin] (arch.)
Wehen pangs
Wehen contractions
Wehen (n) [severe spasm of pain, especially near the moment of death] throe (n) [severe spasm of pain, especially near the moment of death]
Wehen throes
Wehen labour pains

DE EN Translations for mittel

Mittel (n) {n} resource (n)
Mittel (n) {n} agent (n)
Mittel (n) [Resultat] {n} aid (n) [Resultat]
Mittel (n) [Resultat] {n} help (n) [Resultat]
Mittel (a) {n} medium (a)
Mittel (n) {n} resources (n)
Mittel (n) [finanziell] {n} means (n) [finanziell]
Mittel (n) [Mittelung] {n} average (n) [Mittelung]
Mittel (n) {n} average (n)
Mittel (n) [Geld] {n} means (n) [Geld]