Search term very busy man has 2 results

EN DE Translations for very

EN DE Translations for busy

to busy (v) vertun (v)
busy tätig
busy beschäftigen
busy (a) beschäftigt (a)
busy (a) [person] beschäftigt (a) [person]
busy (a) [work] beschäftigt (a) [work]
busy unruhig
busy eifrig
busy emsig
busy fleißig

EN DE Translations for man

to man (v) [ship] besetzen (v) [ship]
man Typ {m}
man Kopf {m}
to man (v) [ship] bemannen (v) [ship]
to man (v) [spacecraft] bemannen (v) [spacecraft]
man (n) [person - man] Bursche (n) {m} [person - man]
man die menschliche Rasse
man (n) [person - man] Kerl (n) {m} [person - man]
man (n) Mann (n) {m}
man (n) [person] Mann (n) {m} [person]