Search term very busy day has one result
EN English DE German
very busy day Großkampftag

EN DE Translations for very

EN DE Translations for busy

to busy (v) vertun (v)
busy tätig
busy beschäftigen
busy (a) beschäftigt (a)
busy (a) [person] beschäftigt (a) [person]
busy (a) [work] beschäftigt (a) [work]
busy unruhig
busy eifrig
busy emsig
busy fleißig

EN DE Translations for day

day (n) Tag (n) {m}
day (n) [calendar] Tag (n) {m} [calendar]
day (n v) [part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.] Tag (n v) {m} [part of a day period which one spends at one’s job, school, etc.]
day (n) [period] Tag (n) {m} [period]
day (n) [period] Tageszeit (n) {f} [period]