Search term unwillingness to pay has one result

EN DE Translations for unwillingness

EN DE Translations for to

to (n) sogar (n)
to (o) [general] im Vergleich zu (o) [general]
to (n) zu (n)
to (o) [causing] zu (o) [causing]
to (o) [direction] zu (o) [direction]
to (o) [general] zu (o) [general]
to (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] zu (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
to nach
to (o) [destination] nach (o) [destination]
to (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] nach (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]

EN DE Translations for pay

pay begleichen
pay (v) bezahlen (v)
to pay (v) [difference] bezahlen (v) [difference]
to pay (v) [money] bezahlen (v) [money]
pay lohnen (sich)
to pay (v) [pay off] sich bezahlt machen (v) [pay off]
pay abdrücken
pay (n) [money] Gehalt (n) {n} [money]
pay Entlohnung {f}
pay Bezahlung {f}