Search term rotation has 22 results
EN English DE German
rotation Rotationsbewegung
rotation (n) [employment] Rotation (n) {f} [employment]
rotation Kreisbewegung {f}
rotation Umlauf {m}
rotation (n) Drehung (n) {f}
rotation Verdrehung {f}
rotation Lauf {m}
rotation Aufstellung {f}
rotation (n) [general] Folge (n) {f} [general]
rotation (n) [a single cycle of turning] Umdrehung (n) [a single cycle of turning] (f)
rotation (n) Umdrehung (n) (f)
rotation Umdrehung (f)
rotation (n) [movement] Drehung (n) {f} [movement]
EN Synonyms for rotation DE Translations
number [relative numbers] numero
occurrence [relative numbers] acaecimiento
recurrence [relative numbers] redoble
regularity [relative numbers] regularidad {f}
reiteration [relative numbers] (formal reiteración {f}
ratio [relative numbers] respecto
frequency [relative numbers] frecuencia {f}
revolution [spin] revolución {f}
gyration [spin] vuelta {f}
rotate [spin] rodar
whirlpool [spin] remolino {m}
whirl [spin] giro rápido
spin [movement] vuelta {f}
cycle [movement] ciclo {m}
turn [movement] volver
DE German EN English
Rotation (n) [Beschäftigung] {f} rotation (n) [Beschäftigung]
Rotation (v) {f} curl (v)
Rotation (n) {f} Faraday effect (n)
Rotation (n) {f} circular movement (n)

German English translations