Search term play cards has 3 results
EN English DE German
play cards (v) [games - cards] karten (v) [games - cards]
play cards (v) [games - cards] Karten spielen (v) [games - cards]
play cards (v) karteln (v)

EN DE Translations for play

play (n) [technical] Spielraum (n) {m} [technical]
play Stück {n}
to play (v) [theater] auftreten (v) [theater]
to play (v) spielen (v)
to play (v) [music] spielen (v) [music]
to play (v) [music - instruments] spielen (v) [music - instruments]
to play (v) [pretense] spielen (v) [pretense]
to play (v) [recreation] spielen (v) [recreation]
to play (v) [sports] spielen (v) [sports]
to play (v) [theater] spielen (v) [theater]

EN DE Translations for cards