Search term plötzlich has 22 results
DE German EN English
plötzlich (a) [Zeit] abrupt (a) [Zeit]
plötzlich (n) [allgemein] before you can say knife (n) [allgemein]
plötzlich (n) [allgemein] at one fell swoop (n) [allgemein]
plötzlich (o) [Zeit] all of a sudden (o) [Zeit]
plötzlich (a) [schnell] overnight (a) [schnell]
plötzlich (o) [Zeit] short (o) [Zeit]
plötzlich (o) [allgemein] on the spur of the moment (o) [allgemein]
plötzlich (a) [unerwartet] flash (a) [unerwartet]
plötzlich (o) [Zeit] all at once (o) [Zeit]
plötzlich (a) [schnell] sudden (a) [schnell]
plötzlich (a) [Zeit] sudden (a) [Zeit]
plötzlich (a) abrupt (a)
plötzlich (n) suddenly (n)
plötzlich (o) [Zeit] suddenly (o) [Zeit]
plötzlich sharp
plötzlich (adj adv n) [happening quickly and with little or no warning] sudden (adj adv n) [happening quickly and with little or no warning]
plötzlich (adv) [happening quickly and with little or no warning] suddenly (adv) [happening quickly and with little or no warning]
plötzlich sudden
plötzlich (adv) [in an abrupt manner] abruptly (adv) [in an abrupt manner]
plötzlich with a rush
plötzlich wham-bam
plötzlich precipitous

German English translations