Search term office space supply has 2 results

EN DE Translations for office

office Dienststelle (f)
office (n) Dienststelle (n) (f)
office Geschäftsstelle {f}
office (n) Amt (n) {n}
office (n) [position] Amt (n) {n} [position]
office Funktion {f}
office Stelle {f}
office (n) Büro (n) {n}
office (n) [business company] Büro (n) {n} [business company]
office Amtszimmer {n}

EN DE Translations for space

space Anschlag {m}
space (n) [time] Periode (n) {f} [time]
space (n) [time] Zeitspanne (n) {f} [time]
space (n) [objects] Abstand (n) {m} [objects]
to space (v) [objects] Abstand lassen (v) [objects]
space (n) [aviation] Luftraum (n) {m} [aviation]
space (n) Platz (n) {m}
space (n) [surface] Platz (n) {m} [surface]
space (n) Raum (n) {m}
space (v) Raum (v) {m}

EN DE Translations for supply

supply (v) liefern (v)
to supply (v) [information] liefern (v) [information]
supply anliefern
supply (v) anliefern (v)
supply Stellvertreter {m}
supply Stellvertreterin {f}
to supply (v) [information] geben (v) [information]
supply (n) [quantity] Reserve (n) {f} [quantity]
supply (n) [quantity] Rücklage (n) {f} [quantity]
supply (n) Vorrat (n) {m}